Monday, November 26, 2012

Cell Cycle Chapter Resources

Cell Cycle Vocab (Due Thursday - Quiz Thursday)

Notes: Will be available the same day as given in class
Ch. 12 (Part 1): Mon. 11/26
Ch. 12 (Part 2)
Ch 12. (Part 3)
Regulation of the cell cycle

Ch. 13 (Meiosis and Sexual Repro)
Study Guides:  Due day of the exam
Cell Cycle
Meiosis/ Mitosis (see post 12/7)

Video Links
Cell Cycle: Bozeman explanation of Ch 12/13 info.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Fri Nov. 9th

CAM, C3 &C4 Plants

1.)  Share out from last nights assignment
2.)  Notes: CAM, C3 &C4 Plants

Bring Study Guides with you to class Tuesday. 

You will be given time in class to work on them.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thurs. Nov. 8th

Light Independent Reactions (calvin cycle)

1.)  Cyclic/ Non cyclic ETC Share out
2.)  Calvin Cycle Notes

- Watch the bozeman video Notes on different types of plants (after 8 min mark)
- Take notes on:
   - Types of plants
   - How plants are physically different (give examples of differences and types of plants)
   - How is photosynthesis diff in each type of plant?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wed. Nov. 7th

Light and Dark Reactions of Photosynthesis

1.)  Overview of Photosynthesis
2.)  Light vs dark reactions (simple version)
3.)  Wavelengths/ Photosystems
4.)  Light / Dark reaction video

Watch the following video on Cyclic and Non-cyclic reactions in photosynthesis.  Take notes and try to "become an expert" on the two processes.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tues. Nov. 6th

Photosynthesis Day 1

Complete the following webquest for you an a partner. 

To receive credit for this webquest you must create a document by copy/ pasting the questions and answering them. 

Tonight one of you should email me the finished questions and answers to the webquest.  Don't forget to put your name on the finished paper and in the title of your document.

Link to webquest

Monday, November 5, 2012

Week of Nov. 5th

Mon:  Photosynthesis Introduction
Tues: Photosynthesis Part 1
Wed:Photosynthesis Part 2
Thurs: Photosynthesis in different plants
Fri: Vocab Due/ Review

Ch 10 (photosynthesis) Resources

Photosynthesis Vocab. (Due Friday)
Photosynthesis Study Guide (Due Next Wed. - Day of Exam)
Photosynthesis Powerpoints
 - PPT 1
 - PPT 2
 - PPT 3

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thurs/ Fri. Nov. 1st & 2nd

Section Presentations for Cellular Respiration Review

Thursday: Most presentations finished
   -  Finish Last 2 presentations
   -  Comparison/ Intro (C-resp vs Photo)
   -  Link to Bozeman Video from Class