Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Thurs. Dec. 20th

Chi Square Analysis (Goodness of Fit Test)

Chi Squared Analysis is a statistical way of determining if a set of data should be "statistically trusted" or not.  Today in class we will be learning how to solve a chi square test for a data set.

1.)  Quick Notes: Chi Square
2.)  Step-by-step example of chi square (lab)
3.)  Class data collection

Homework:  analyze the class data and answer the questions on your worksheet

Winter Work Pack (Due Mon. Jan. 7th)

The following link will lead you to your winter vacation assignment.  The information on this assignment will be used later in the year during the evolution unit.

Winter Work Pack

The Simpson Gene?

1.)  Complete/ Correct Simpson Inheritance pattern Worksheet
2.)  Review Simpson Gene Article
3.)  Watch " Lisa the Simpson" to see what the creator of the Simpsons thought the gene was about over 10 year ago!
4.)  Short answer Essay practice Questions
 - Compare and contrast the genetic inheritance of the real "Homer Simpson Gene" and  "The Simpson Gene" from the episode shown in class.

Tomorrow: Chi Square Analysis  (Head Start?  Here are tomorrow's notes)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Genetics Webquest

Biology Web Bench Lab 7: Genetics of Organisms

1.)  got to Bio. Lab Bench Website
2.)  Go through the lab (some info in new and may be confusing if you rush. Do the best you can)
3.) Complete the lab and do the Quiz at the end.  Show me your score for credit.  (If you did not finish in class and still need credit you can write out the questions and answers or email me a screen shot of your quiz with score)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wed. Dec. 12th

Punnett Squares

1.)  Notes: Punnett Squares
2.)  Sponge bob practice questions

Part 1:
 - Tonight do a search for some additional punnett square problems for class tomorrow.  Look for interesting or funny questions to make tomorrow more interesting.  Please do not take the first thing you find on google.

-  You will turn in:  10 practice punneett square problems
-  Please print out 2 copies (not hand written)
- Do not turn in the same list as your friends (each list should be unique)

Part 2:
 Watch Bozeman Video "Rules of Multiplication and Addition"  be prepared to ask questions and do genetics problems that ask you to solve these types of problems.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Mon. Dec. 3rd

Computer Lab & Review Day
- Today we will be meeting in class then going to the computer lab for a Virtual Meiosis/ Mitosis Lab and Review day.

Today's Assignment:
Part 1: Mitosis
1.)  Go to The Meiosis/ Mitosis Lab on Biology Lab Bench Website

2.)  Read the introduction and click Next to begin

3.)  Go through the Lab Review at your own pace.

4.)  Once you get to "Lab Quiz 1"  take the quiz and check your answers.  Once you get your score call me over to review your answers and receive participation points for the lab. (Do not move on until I have given you points for the quiz)

Part 2: Meiosis
5.)  Meiosis is a new topic.  Go through his section carefully.

6.)  In your notes make a quick sketch of the stages of meiosis.  Make sure to note what is happeing in each phase and how it is different from mitosis.

7.) Crossing over:  What is it and when does it happen?  How does this process add to genetic variation?

8.)  If you are moving quickly and have plenty of time left in the period complete the "Design of the Experiment II"portion of the lab.  If not use the table of contents to move ahead to the "Comparison of mitosis and meiosis" questions.

- Answer these questions (Questions answer format/ complete sentences).  These will be stamped tomorrow in class.  This should be completed as homework if not done in class

9.)  Complete the Self Quiz 2.  If you finish it today in class you can receive extra credit as long as you call me over to see the score before moving on.