Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Thurs. Dec. 20th

Chi Square Analysis (Goodness of Fit Test)

Chi Squared Analysis is a statistical way of determining if a set of data should be "statistically trusted" or not.  Today in class we will be learning how to solve a chi square test for a data set.

1.)  Quick Notes: Chi Square
2.)  Step-by-step example of chi square (lab)
3.)  Class data collection

Homework:  analyze the class data and answer the questions on your worksheet

Winter Work Pack (Due Mon. Jan. 7th)

The following link will lead you to your winter vacation assignment.  The information on this assignment will be used later in the year during the evolution unit.

Winter Work Pack

The Simpson Gene?

1.)  Complete/ Correct Simpson Inheritance pattern Worksheet
2.)  Review Simpson Gene Article
3.)  Watch " Lisa the Simpson" to see what the creator of the Simpsons thought the gene was about over 10 year ago!
4.)  Short answer Essay practice Questions
 - Compare and contrast the genetic inheritance of the real "Homer Simpson Gene" and  "The Simpson Gene" from the episode shown in class.

Tomorrow: Chi Square Analysis  (Head Start?  Here are tomorrow's notes)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Genetics Webquest

Biology Web Bench Lab 7: Genetics of Organisms

1.)  got to Bio. Lab Bench Website
2.)  Go through the lab (some info in new and may be confusing if you rush. Do the best you can)
3.) Complete the lab and do the Quiz at the end.  Show me your score for credit.  (If you did not finish in class and still need credit you can write out the questions and answers or email me a screen shot of your quiz with score)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wed. Dec. 12th

Punnett Squares

1.)  Notes: Punnett Squares
2.)  Sponge bob practice questions

Part 1:
 - Tonight do a search for some additional punnett square problems for class tomorrow.  Look for interesting or funny questions to make tomorrow more interesting.  Please do not take the first thing you find on google.

-  You will turn in:  10 practice punneett square problems
-  Please print out 2 copies (not hand written)
- Do not turn in the same list as your friends (each list should be unique)

Part 2:
 Watch Bozeman Video "Rules of Multiplication and Addition"  be prepared to ask questions and do genetics problems that ask you to solve these types of problems.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Mon. Dec. 3rd

Computer Lab & Review Day
- Today we will be meeting in class then going to the computer lab for a Virtual Meiosis/ Mitosis Lab and Review day.

Today's Assignment:
Part 1: Mitosis
1.)  Go to The Meiosis/ Mitosis Lab on Biology Lab Bench Website

2.)  Read the introduction and click Next to begin

3.)  Go through the Lab Review at your own pace.

4.)  Once you get to "Lab Quiz 1"  take the quiz and check your answers.  Once you get your score call me over to review your answers and receive participation points for the lab. (Do not move on until I have given you points for the quiz)

Part 2: Meiosis
5.)  Meiosis is a new topic.  Go through his section carefully.

6.)  In your notes make a quick sketch of the stages of meiosis.  Make sure to note what is happeing in each phase and how it is different from mitosis.

7.) Crossing over:  What is it and when does it happen?  How does this process add to genetic variation?

8.)  If you are moving quickly and have plenty of time left in the period complete the "Design of the Experiment II"portion of the lab.  If not use the table of contents to move ahead to the "Comparison of mitosis and meiosis" questions.

- Answer these questions (Questions answer format/ complete sentences).  These will be stamped tomorrow in class.  This should be completed as homework if not done in class

9.)  Complete the Self Quiz 2.  If you finish it today in class you can receive extra credit as long as you call me over to see the score before moving on.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Cell Cycle Chapter Resources

Cell Cycle Vocab (Due Thursday - Quiz Thursday)

Notes: Will be available the same day as given in class
Ch. 12 (Part 1): Mon. 11/26
Ch. 12 (Part 2)
Ch 12. (Part 3)
Regulation of the cell cycle

Ch. 13 (Meiosis and Sexual Repro)
Study Guides:  Due day of the exam
Cell Cycle
Meiosis/ Mitosis (see post 12/7)

Video Links
Cell Cycle: Bozeman explanation of Ch 12/13 info.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Fri Nov. 9th

CAM, C3 &C4 Plants

1.)  Share out from last nights assignment
2.)  Notes: CAM, C3 &C4 Plants

Bring Study Guides with you to class Tuesday. 

You will be given time in class to work on them.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thurs. Nov. 8th

Light Independent Reactions (calvin cycle)

1.)  Cyclic/ Non cyclic ETC Share out
2.)  Calvin Cycle Notes

- Watch the bozeman video Notes on different types of plants (after 8 min mark)
- Take notes on:
   - Types of plants
   - How plants are physically different (give examples of differences and types of plants)
   - How is photosynthesis diff in each type of plant?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wed. Nov. 7th

Light and Dark Reactions of Photosynthesis

1.)  Overview of Photosynthesis
2.)  Light vs dark reactions (simple version)
3.)  Wavelengths/ Photosystems
4.)  Light / Dark reaction video

Watch the following video on Cyclic and Non-cyclic reactions in photosynthesis.  Take notes and try to "become an expert" on the two processes.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tues. Nov. 6th

Photosynthesis Day 1

Complete the following webquest for you an a partner. 

To receive credit for this webquest you must create a document by copy/ pasting the questions and answering them. 

Tonight one of you should email me the finished questions and answers to the webquest.  Don't forget to put your name on the finished paper and in the title of your document.

Link to webquest

Monday, November 5, 2012

Week of Nov. 5th

Mon:  Photosynthesis Introduction
Tues: Photosynthesis Part 1
Wed:Photosynthesis Part 2
Thurs: Photosynthesis in different plants
Fri: Vocab Due/ Review

Ch 10 (photosynthesis) Resources

Photosynthesis Vocab. (Due Friday)
Photosynthesis Study Guide (Due Next Wed. - Day of Exam)
Photosynthesis Powerpoints
 - PPT 1
 - PPT 2
 - PPT 3

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thurs/ Fri. Nov. 1st & 2nd

Section Presentations for Cellular Respiration Review

Thursday: Most presentations finished
   -  Finish Last 2 presentations
   -  Comparison/ Intro (C-resp vs Photo)
   -  Link to Bozeman Video from Class

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Week of Oct. 22nd

Monday:  Glycolysis
Tues: No class (min. day)
Wed: Citric Acid Cycle
Thurs: Electron Transport Chain
Friday: Quiz on c-resp vocab and vocab due

Extra Credit Possibility:
Create a video explaining one of the 3 steps in c-resp in an informative and entertaining way.  Do not just record yourself talking please!  All videos must include all the important information for each step including reactants, products, whats happening in each step, enzymes used, and any thing else that makes the step special (location in cell etc.).  You cannot have more than 4 people in your group.  This video must be submitted to me by next Friday (Nov. 2nd).

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

Mon. Oct. 15th

1.)  New Seats
2.)  Finish Ch. 7 (Active transport)
3.)  Ch 7 Self Quiz (Stamped- today in class or tomorrow 1st thing)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Fri. Oct. 12th

Lab 1 Results Day

1.)  Lab 1a (initial observations)
2.)  Lab 1b/ 1c review
3.)  Formal Lab Report Info
4.)  Results for lab 1d

Example Lab Reports (as a guide...not to copy)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thurs. Oct. 11th

Lab 1 Osmosis and Diffusion

1.)  Discuss Lab Procedures
2.)  Set up Lab 1b
3.)  Finish Lab 1c

- Get class data (see below)
- Complete tables 1.2, 1.3 Question 10 graph 1.1 and analysis questions (pg.5-7)
- Complete table 1.4, 1.5, graph 1.2, question 10  (pg. 11-12)

Class Data
Period 2 Data

This lab will eventually be turned into a Formal Lab Report.  The following information will be discussed in class tomorrow.  The final lab report will not be due until Friday Oct. 19th.

Lab Report Info/ Rubric

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wed. Oct. 10th

Osmosis and Diffusion Lab

1.)  Discuss Class Changes
2.)  Go over lab 1c
3.)  Set up Lab 1c

Bring Lab Manuals to class tomorrow

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tues. Oct. 9th

Transport through a cell membrane

1.)  Warm up
2.)  Cell transport notes

Heads Up!!!
- group exam Next Wed on Ch. 6 & 7
- All stamped work (cell diagram, cell vocab, ch6 self quiz, not stamped yet- but will be ch 7 vocab) and study guides (ch 6 & 7 ) are due the day of the exam.

CH. 7 Resources

- Ch 7 Vocabulary (Due Mon 10/15)
- Ch. 7 Study Guide (Due Wed. before the test)
- Ch. 7 Reading outline

Monday, October 8, 2012

Mon. Oct 8th

1.)  Project Turn in/ Grades
2.)  Test corrections (1/4 point for each done in correct format)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Fri. Oct 5th

Today:  Quiz on Cell organelles

Monday: Cell organelle project due

Thurs. Oct. 4th

Cell organelle review day

Today you will be completing the following:
   -  Ch. 6 Self Quiz
   - Independent Review of organelles

Wed. Oct. 3rd

Guest Speaker

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tues. Oct. 2nd

Surface Area to Volume Ratios and Cells

Today in class you will be testing the ability of "cells" to absorb "nutrients" based on their size.  Will the size of a cell make a difference?

Tomorrow we will have a guest speaker. Dr. Charles King from UCSD Pediatric Diabetes talking about stem cells as part of CA stem cell awareness day.  Do a little research about stem cells tonight and come up with some good questions to ask.

Good questions will receive participation points !!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Ch. 6 Vocab Quiz Friday

Heads up!! You will have a quiz on your Chapter 6 vocabulary this Friday!

Cell Organelle Project Info

The cell organelle project will have you show that you understand the structure and function of an organelle in a cell.

- The project is due Monday Oct. 8th (it must be with you in class or its late. No exceptions))

- you may work alone or with a (1) partner

You may choose from the following organelles:
- nucleus
- cell membrane/ plasma membrane
- mitochondria
- chloroplast
- golgi
- lysosome
- peroxisome
- ER (rough or smooth)
- Ribosome
- flagella/ cillia
- nucleolus
- chromatin/ DNA or mRNA (technically not an organelle but important for the cell)
(if you want to do an organelle not on this list just ask...I'll probably say yes.  This list is just a guide)

Within cells there is an intricate network of organelles that all have unique functions. These organelles allow the cell to function properly. Membrane-bound organelles are common in all eukaryotic cells. Cell organelles include the nucleus, nucleolus, chloroplast, mitochondria, rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi, lysosomes, plasma membrane, cilia & flagella, and centrioles to name a few. The structure of these organelles often determines the function of this cell part.
Using information from lecture and the textbook, students will construct a model of a cell organelle that shows how the organelle's ultrastructure gives rise to its function. A key must be include naming all parts of the organelle.
  1. No food materials are allowed.
  2. All parts of the organelle discussed in lecture & the textbook must be included for full credit.
  3. The model must be 3-dimensional and must be able to stand or lay on the lab counter.
  1. The more detail in the organelle, the more points will be awarded.
  2. Models must be sturdy & 3-dimensional and parts must be labeled.
  3. Points will be awarded for attractiveness & artistic merit.
  4. You must explain how the "form follows function" concept is shown in your model in a short paragraph or two ( think short answer format.  Not an Essay).

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Week of Sept. 24th

Monday: Grade essays and Start ch 6
Tuesday:  Cell organelles through endomembrane system
Wednesday: Finish Cell organelles and complete cell diagram (homework)
Thursday: Cell Junctions and start Cell Membrane
Friday:Cell Membrane

Mon. Oct. 1st: Ch. 6 Vocab Due

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Ch. 6 Resources

Unit 2: Starting with Ch. 6 The Cell

Chapter 6 resources:
- Ch. 6 Vocabulary (Due Mon Oct. 1st.)
- Cell Parts Study Guide (Print out for class tomorrow)
- Ch. 6 Outline (a guide for what you'll need to know for this chapter)
- Ch. 6 Powerpoint (Will be used this week)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mushroom Enzyme Lab Results

Now that we have finished the Data Collection part of the enzyme lab it's time to analyze your results! 

1.) Copy the average data tables for each experiment (I have calculated the averages for you- lucky!)

2.)  Create a single graph with all of the data so you can compare the data from all 3 experimental groups and the control

3.)  Answer Post-Lab questions below

The Exact information will not be needed for tomorrows exam.  However, it is important to understand how enzymes work since they are proteins (a major macromolecule) and how temperature, inhibitors and pH may affect them.

You will want to finish this part of your lab before class on FRIDAY. This gives you tonight to concentrate on other test topics.

Post-Lab Questions:
1.  What does color change tell you about enzyme activity?
2.  What differences did you observe between the control and experimental trials?
3.  For your experimental condition (temp, pH, or Inhibitor), explain how that condition affected enzyme activity.
4.  How does the control reaction help you interpret your experimental results?  How would you know if enzyme activity was changed in the experimental reaction if you had no control reaction data?

Answer the following questions about each experimental group

5a.  For the pH experiment did the pH increase or decrease? Why is this?  How did this affect experimental results?

5b.  How was temperature changed?  How did this affect experimental results?

5c.  What was the inhibitor used (stuck?  read the questions further...)?  How did this affect the experimental results?  Why would sodium benzoate be used as a food preservative?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Extra Credit (Thursday At Lunch)

Come in on Thursday at lunch to earn extra credit as a grader for lab reports.  Each lab report you grade will earn you 5 EC points and you can grade up to 4 reports for a total of 20 EC points!

This is a good opportunity to earn some extra points and get a look at what some biology lab reports should look like.

Monday, September 17, 2012

This Week (9/17-9/21)

Mon: Macromolecule Notes
Tues: No class (Min. Day)
Wed: Enzyme Lab - You will not need your lab book for this lab
Thurs: Exam part 1 (Mult. Choice & Short answer)
Fri: Exam part 2 (Essay)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Video Help

Below you will find links that can help you review the chapters on next weeks exam.  This should be used along with class notes and reading the book to help you prepare for the exam.

Tutoring is available Tuesday and Thursday at Lunch and questions are always welcome during class!

Video Links:
Ch. 1
Acids, Bases, pH
The Molecules of life
Lab 2 (Enzymes)

Don't forget about the On-line textbook.  There are move videos and practice quizzes available.

Friday Sept. 14th

Begin Macromolecules

1.)  Warm Up
2.)  Begin Notes on Macromolecules (See slides Link from 9/11)

Heads Up:
- Lab for BioChem Unit Wednesday (minimum day) - Labs cannot be made up
-  Unit Exam Thursday and Friday (9/20-21)  on Ch. 1-5

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thurs. Sept. 13th

1.)  Homework Check
2.)  Correct Worksheet
3.)  Quiz Corrections

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Quiz Corrections

Come in Thursday at lunch to do quiz corrections for the Biochem Quiz. 

You can regain 1/4 point for each correct correction you make.

Wed. Sept. 12th

Functional Group Work Day

-Due to Grade level assemblies some of you may miss class today.  We will be having a study hall day.

1.)  Check note cards
2.)  Intro to Online Videos (Molecules of Life Video)
3.)  Open Study Time

Tips for Online Video Notes:
- Define any new terms (Remember biology is like a foreign language class!)
- Identify key point in the video (Usually introduced in 1st 2 minutes)
-Write down important features about each key point

OH NO!!!
- Missing functional group from  flash card list!
Your absent minded teacher (who shall remain nameless...) forgot to add METHYL groups to you list.

- Here's the info you'll need:

Common name : (super easy) methyl...
Examples: fatty acids, oils, waxes
Characteristics: nonpolar, hydrophobic

Heads Up!!!
 - Quiz on Functional groups & Macromolecules next Wednesday (Video has great info)
 - Functional Group worksheet due tomorrow for stamp.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tues. Sept. 11th


1.)  Warm Up
2.)  Molecular Bond Notes

1.  Complete Functional Group Flash Cards (Bring to class tomorrow)
2.  Print out Functional Group Worksheet (will work on in class tomorrow - Due Thurs)

link to Powerpoint for Ch. 2,3,4,5

Monday, September 10, 2012

Online Textbook Sign Up

If you would like access to the online textbook (videos, practice quizzes etc.) You may begin signing up now. 

To sign up:
1. Register at
2. Enter the first 6 letters of your code below
3. Click on Covered Titles to Select Discipline and Title (Science...Campbell, Biology 5e/7e AP* Edition)
4. Choose Student Registration
5. Accept - Pearson License Agreement
6. Access Information -

* Enter or Create your username & password
* Enter the appropriate access code below:



7. Account Information - complete or verify your name & school information
8. Confirmation & Summary

Mon. Spet. 10th

Biochem. Vocab Quiz Day

- DUE Wednesday
- Create a set of Functional Group Flash Cards
- Each Card Should Have each of the following if available:
On Front:  
   - Structure (Drawing)
On Back:
   - Name of Group
   - Name of compounds/ Common names
   - Examples
   - Functional Properties (Whats special about them)

Functional groups/ Important molecules Needed:
1.  Methane (not a functional group but important to chem)- pg 60
2. Ethane (not a functional group but important to chem) -pg 60
3.  Ethene/ ethylene  (not a functional group but important to chem)-pg 60
4. Hydroyl - pg 64
5.  Carbonyl - pg 64
6.  Carboxyl - pg 64
7  Amino - pg 65
8.  Sulfhydryl - pg 65
9.  Phosphate - pg 65

Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday Sept. 7th

Properties of water

1.)  Warm Up #2 (See notes below)
2.)  Properties of Water Notes
3.)  Water Video (Did not finish in class - watch it here)

Having trouble getting the Safety Contract to Print on your Home Computer?  Try the following link:
Safety Contract Website

Heads Up:
Vocab Quiz: Monday!!

Thurs. Sept. 6th

Mrs. Spendlove was out today.  In Class you were givent time to work on your Biochem. Vocabulary or your Study Guide.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wed. Sept. 5th

1.) Warm up
2.)  Check Scientific Methods Homework (Stamp)
3.)  Group review of Questions 1 & 2
4.)  Go Over  Answers to remaining Questions (Time permitting)

1.)  Biochem Vocab ( Due Friday)
2.)  Study For Biochem Vocab Quiz (Friday)
3.) Start Chemical Bond Study Guide (Study Guides are due at the end of the unit- Sept 17th-ish)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Welcome to Mrs. Spendlove's AP Biology Class!

First Day Agenda:
1.)  Class Introductions
2.)  Notes: Ch. 1 Themes in Biology

1.)  Syllabus
    - Read it, Print it out, Have your parents read it, Sign it, Turn in Signature sheet tomorrow
2.)  Sign Up for Online Textbook
3.)  Safety Contract
    - Print it, read it, sign it, turn it in tomorrow
4.)  Scientific Methods Worksheet  - we will answer Q1-2 tomorrow(Due Tomorrow)
5.)  BioChem Vocabulary (Due Friday - Quiz Friday)