Monday, January 14, 2013

Group Study Guide (Semester 1)

Due date: Friday Jan 18 before midnight (Will be posted online Saturday before finals)

Each group of 3-4 persons will prepare a two-page outline of the topic selected.  This outline must be typed.  It will be put on the class website for all class members so it should be as correct and complete as it can be, given the space restriction.  Date, title, chapters and labs covered (if any), and author’s names must be at the top of the page.  Typeface must not be smaller than 10pt.  Margins must be 0.7 or more.  You may include simple diagrams with captions/explanations if appropriate.

When turning in group work:
- Title the email with the topic and chapter
Attach work as a word document not as the body of email
Title attachment with topic and chapter
1 attachment with all work from 1 person please (not multiple attachments from multiple people)

  Introduction and chemistry review:  Ch. 1-3.
Carbon/ functional groups
3.   Macromolecules: Ch. 5
4.  Metabolism: ch 8
5.  Basic Cell structure and function:  Ch. 6, 7, 12
6.  Glycolysis and cellular respiration: Ch. 9 and relevant material from Ch 6.
7.  Photosynthesis: Ch 10 and relevant parts from Ch 6.
8.  Cell Cycle/ meiosis/mitosis: Ch 13
9.  Genetics/ Mendel and the gene idea: ch 14

Page 1 -2:
General outline form is to be used.  Outlining allows one to quickly see the headings, subheadings, etc so that information can be easily placed in context.  This and related pictures (with explanations) should take up about 1-2 pages.  The outline should cover all major topics/steps in that unit and include the major points for each of those topics/steps.

Page 3: Quiz
In addition to your review sheet, you must also write or select 10 multiple choice questions on your topic.  Each question should have A-E answers.

Page 4: Answer Key and Bibliography
1.    The answers on a separate sheet of paper.
2.    Each answer should have an explanation
3.    Bibliography of all your sources in MLA format

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